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The deadline for submitting applications for the EESC Civil Solidarity Prize is open


The EESC will award solidarity initiatives launched in the EU and the UK to combat COVID-19 and cushion its devastating attacks

Hasta el miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2020 a las 12:00

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) organizes, on an exceptional basis, the Civil Solidarity Prize, an award based on the theme "Civil society against COVID-19", which this year will replace the emblematic Civil Society Prize awarded each year.

The Civil Solidarity Award will honor those creative and effective initiatives by individuals, civil society organizations and private companies that have contributed in an outstanding way to face the emergency of COVID-19 and its serious and multiple consequences, thus reinforcing European solidarity. and helping to create a European identity based on common EU values.


With this award, the EESC intends to make these initiatives better known, raise awareness of their impact and thus pay tribute to all those who have fought the coronavirus, displaying courage, commitment, solidarity and an incredible sense of responsibility.


In order to apply, participants must reside or be established in the EU. Residents, businesses and civil society organizations established in the United Kingdom are also eligible for the Prize. Despite the fact that the majority of the British population voted in favor of Brexit and that the country is withdrawing from the EU, the EESC wants to make it clear that it has no intention of severing ties with civil society in this former Member State and who, on the contrary, wishes to maintain close relations.


The EESC will award up to twenty-nine prizes, each endowed with € 10,000, to initiatives undertaken on the territory of the EU or the UK. Twenty-seven prizes will be awarded to projects carried out in the Member States, one to a UK initiative and one to a project with a cross-border or European approach.

All initiatives, including those presented by companies seeking profit, must be strictly non-profit and cannot benefit from more than 50% public funding.

These initiatives must be directly related to COVID-19 and be specifically targeted at fighting the virus or dealing with its consequences, and all of them must have ended or are currently ongoing. Projects that were launched before the outbreak of the pandemic and adapted to respond quickly to new challenges may also be presented.


The deadline for submission of applications will end on September 30, 2020 at 12 noon.

The award ceremony will take place in January 2021, during the full EESC, in Brussels.



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