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Halcón launches a large format packaging line with Innova

Linea Embalaje Gran Formato Halcon

Grupo Halcón opens a new Packaging Line specialized in large ceramic formats



Publicado el martes, 02 de noviembre de 2021 a las 09:30

The most safe and protected ceramic pallets for transport, a fully automated packaging process for all its pallet formats and an end of line that unifies all its packaging flows. These were the objectives that Grupo Halcón pursued and that became a reality with the second phase of the packaging line with Innova Group.

This second phase was installed by the end of the summer 2021 in its production plant Halcón 2 in Alcora. Grupo Halcón once again relied on Innova’s technology to unify its entire end-of-line and achieve specialized protection for its large formats. This new line is connected to its first Stretch Hood line, which came into operation at the end of 2020.  Grupo Halcón is a reference company with more than 50 years of history in the tile industry, exporting its high quality product to both national and international markets. 

Objective: maximum support for the large ceramic format

The new automatic packaging line has been designed to offer a logistic solution to a specialized production of large format boxes. Therefore, the new line is equipped with packaging systems dedicated to the stability and total securing of the pallets, such as a Ring Wrapping System and the combination of the two Horizontal and Vertical Strapping systems.

This new line is designed to use a combination of different packaging systems depending on the type of ceramic format and pallet, such as 1,600 mm long loads or delicate and unstable formats.

Depending on the format, the line can automatically perform different packaging processes such as:

  • Horizontal and vertical strapping
  • Horizontal strapping and wrapping machine
  • Or a combination of the 3 systems (horizontal strapping, vertical strapping and wrapping) for maximum product hold.

Phase 2 of Grupo Halcón’s packaging line

Let’s see below the characteristics of each system installed in the new packaging line:

– Automatic Horizontal Strapping Machine FH| Pro: The first station of the line, always included for all combinations, is the Horizontal Strapping Machine, since it is in charge of compacting and unifying the ceramic patchwork. The horizontal strapping is applied horizontally at various heights to compact the load in one block, giving it greater stability.

– Automatic Vertical Strapping Machine FV | Pro: In second place is the vertical strapping that is applied to provide additional stability to the palletizing of boxes, joining fully the load to the base of the pallet. Depending on the formats defined with Halcón and their production targets, the line will perform vertical strapping or not.

– Automatic Ring Wrapper AWR | Pro: In the next step, the Automatic Ring Wrapper provides extra protection for large formats up to 1600 mm in length. With the ring system, the load is completely wrapped in a gentle way for the product and also secured to the pallet base. The application of the stretch wrapper’s roping device acts as a strapping system to provide that extra hold. The stretch wrapper will automatically be applied on pallets that do not have vertical strapping, or as a special supplement to the two types of strapping in case of large and unstable formats.

– Conveyor line and connection to Stretch Hood line: The conveyor line has an entry station with a paddle elevator platform for both pallet truck and forklift access. It also includes pallet centering devices for strapping application and a conveyor line that connects to the Stretch Hood packaging line (Phase 1).

– Stretch Hood system SH 1 | Pro 2: The Stretch Hooder is the final station for the pallets. It provides a final packaging that is totally waterproof against external agents, including UV rays for external storage. In addition, with its 2 film reels, it can wrap all types of pallets, including the large formats of the new line.


Results: A fully Automated End-of-Line

With the second phase of the project, the ceramic group has been able to provide a fully automated logistical response to two production lines with different formats. The combinations of the new line are designed to offer the extra safety that Grupo Halcón requires for its export worldwide over thousands of kilometers.

For Innova Group this has been a double ceramic line project which we are proud of. It has been enriching to work with Grupo Halcón and to be part of the technological commitment and expansion of the company, with whom we share values for innovation, industry 4.0 and sustainability.

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