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Euroceramica Colombia fully automates its end of line with Innova Group

Línea Embalaje Cerámica Eurocerámica

"Made in Castellón" packaging technology in Colombia



Publicado el miércoles, 05 de octubre de 2022 a las 11:31

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Stretch hood para cerámica en Colombia

Stretch hood para cerámica en Colombia

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Línea embalaje de Innova en Eurocerámica

Línea embalaje de Innova en Eurocerámica

Total automation, industry 4.0, efficiency, greater protection and safety  for its ceramic loads were some of the objectives that  Euroceramica  set for the renovation of its plant in  Antioquia  (Colombia). Innova Group  responded to their requirements with the recent installation of a  complete packaging line with Stretch Hood fastening and wrapping systems.


The installation was carried out at the  Guarne (Antioquia) plant  during the month of July 2022 and has already led to a technological revolution in its final packaging.


Eurocerámica SAS, belonging to  the Lamosa Group , is one of the world's leading ceramic manufacturers and has more than 30 years of experience in the design, production and marketing of top-quality ceramic coverings.

With clients throughout Colombia and Latin America, the evolution of the company has gone hand in hand with technological advances in the ceramic industry. Precisely for this  technological renovation project , Eurocerámica chose  Innova Group  for its international experience with  packaging lines installed in the ceramic manufacturing poles of Spain, Brazil and Mexico.


The automation project 

The demands of international markets and logistics chains make it essential to have automated packaging systems at the end of the line. For this reason, more and more companies in Latin America, such as Euroceramica, are betting on total automation.


In the case of Euroceramic, the change was quite a challenge since they started from a manual packaging process that was costly in terms of time and resources. Innova designed a project to replace all manual intervention and connect the packaging line to its end of the palletizing line. This project sought to reinforce the safety of cargo in transport, with strapping systems, and obtain total protection with a simple and effective system such as the Stretch Hood.

Thanks to automation, Euroceramica has obtained advantages such as:

– Greater occupational safety and accident prevention.

– Greater efficiency in the packaging process with exact data on consumption, unification of processes, etc.

– Greater safety in transport without loss or damage to your product.

– Greater protection in outdoor storage with Stretch Hood.

– Better image of your finished product.


The packaging line installed at Euroceramica

The new line project had strapping fastening systems, a Stretch Hood protection system and a connection to the transport line, designed and manufactured by Innova according to Euroceramic requirements.

– Horizontal Strapping System:

The first station of the packaging line is the horizontal strapping that serves to compact the ceramic boxes and unify them with the application of the strap.

– Vertical Strapping System:

Next, the vertical strapping is in charge of joining the load with its base on the pallet. This is essential in the ceramic type of cargo as they tend to shift on the pallet during road transport.


– Stretch Hood lining system

Once the load is fastened and stable, the process ends in the Stretch Hood. A Stretch Hood Pro1-S 2 system with two film reels was installed on the Euroceramic line to adapt to different models and sizes of pallets.

Stretch Hood wrapping offers a multitude of advantages to the ceramic product, the most notable being the protection and impermeability it offers thanks to the barrier properties of the film itself.


The total protection of Stretch Hood was one of the advantages most sought after by Eurocerámica in the face of the harsh rainy seasons in Colombia.


Results of the project

Thanks to the automation project, the Mexican-Colombian ceramic group obtains  greater control of its end-of-line process in which it has real-time information on its packaging, control of the use of consumables , and the certainty that its loads are safe and protected. thanks to the  most advanced packaging technologies.


For its part Eurocerámica has conveyed "its satisfaction not only with the project but with its installation and start-up and the attention provided by Innova". Thanks to Innova's international Technical Support service, with remote connection, and the technical team of its Colombian partner  Colsein SAS, Euroceramic  's packaging line is in the best hands.


For Innova “working with Eurocerámica and Grupo Lamosa is more than a challenge, it is a  source of pride and commitment . Projects like this encourage us to continue developing technological solutions to respond to the requirements and needs of the international ceramics industry”.

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