
II MER Project Study Visit in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy)

The final whorkshop will be focused on challenges and opportunities related to the field of green economy

Publicado por _B41389
lunes, 02 de diciembre de 2013 a las 10:35

The second study tour will be held from 3th to 5th December in the north east of Italy and more precisely in Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.

On the first day the MER delegation will visit the Consortium for the Industrial Development of Tolmezzo – Industrial Area of Amaro (UD) created in 1964 with the aim of promoting the socio-economic growth of the so called “Upper Friuli”, developing the area under its jurisdiction to favour the arrival of new companies, as well as the consolidation and increased competitiveness of those already existing.

The second day will be spent in the area of Pordenone Province that is one of 15 most industrialized provinces of Italy. In the morning it will be visited the Pordenone Technology Centre, a Tech Transfer Park located in the province of Pordenone. The Polo deals with technology transfer, promoting the dialogue between enterprises, institutions and the regional research system to support company competitiveness and stimulate the growth of enterprises with high development potential. The Ponterosso Industrial Zone will be the focus of the afternoon study visit. The Zone counts 140 enterprises, 3,330 employees and promotes the sustainable development recognising the relevance of the natural environment in the valuation process and in the economic and social development of the area.

A final workshop will be organised on the third and last day. Not only the MER partners but also various involved stakeholders (researches, businessmen, experts, CEOs) will discuss on challenges and opportunities related to the field of green economy.

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