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Invest Horizon Call 2020


Fast Track to Series A Investment

Hasta el lunes, 02 de noviembre de 2020 a las 23:59

Invest Horizon is an accelerator programme designed to facilitate the access to Series A funding for selected deep tech companies and help them boost their investment readiness and investor relations.


In Invest Horizon we want to identify 500 ambitious deep tech entrepreneurs and help them through coaching, mentoring and pitching events to scale their business and raise funding. We open two application windows each year to give more applicants the chance to join our accelerator programme. Missing a deadline does not mean that you missed your chance.


European entrepreneurs and investors.



  • Boost investment readiness
  • Accelarate scale-up potential
  • Efficient Series A funding


  • Raise visibility and readiness of the portfolio to follow-on investments
  • Get higher valuations for your companies
  • Ensure faster and efficient closing of Series A funding



Tailor-made programme focused on SME self-identified investment challenges to improve investment readiness through peer trust groups, boot camps, workshops and pitching events.


Access the InvestHorizon community to boost collaboration and networking with peers and coaches.

Online Courses

Free online courses on investment readiness are available to improve investment knowledge and potential.


Interactive training activities via web-based seminars will cover topics related to investment, financing processes and pitching.


Deadline until November 2, 2020.

Register here

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Invest Horizon  

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